[Photos of Munich, Germany]
8-13 May 2005, Munich, Germany
The 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing


The program includes presentations of research papers, demonstrations, videos, and posters. A condensed version of this information is available in the conference timetable. You can also download the complete program in PDF format.

Pervasive 2005

Sunday, May 8th 2005Doctoral Colloquium
Monday, May 9th 2005 (see below)Keynote, Research Presentations & Talk, Demos, Videos
Tuesday, May 10th 2005 (see below)Research Presentations & Talk, Social Event
Wednesday, May 11th 2005Workshop W1-W8

LoCA 2005

Thursday & Friday, May 12th-13th 2005: LoCA Workshop attached to Pervasive 2005 and held at the German Aerospace Center

Monday, May 9th 2005

From 7.30




Welcome and official opening of the conference



Intelligent Artifacts: the Interaction of Brain, Body, and Environment
Rolf Pfeifer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)




Session 1: Location Techniques

Session chair: John Krumm

[PDF] Audio Location: Accurate Low-Cost Location Sensing   [SpringerLink]
James Scott, Boris Dragovic (Intel Research Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Using Sound Source Localization in a Home Environment   [Google search, SpringerLink]
Xuehai Bian, Gregory Abowd, James Rehg (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

[PDF] Tracking Locations of Moving Hand-held Displays Using Projected Light   [SpringerLink]
Jay Summet (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Rahul Sukthankar (Intel Research Pittsburgh, USA)




Session 2: Activity and Context

Session chair: Stephen Intille

Bathroom Activity Monitoring Based on Sound   [Google search, SpringerLink]
Jianfeng Chen, Alvin Harvey Kam, Jianmin Zhang, Ning Liu, Louis Shue (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)

[PDF] Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition (STAR) Using Many Anonymous Binary Sensors   [SpringerLink]
Daniel Wilson (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Enhancing Semantic Spaces with Event-driven Context Interpretation   [Google search, SpringerLink]
Joo Geok Tan, Daqing Zhang, Xiaohang Wang, Heng Seng Cheng (Institute for Infocomm Research & School of Computing/National University of Singapore(NUS), Singapore)

[PDF] The Java Context Awareness Framework (JCAF) - A Service Infrastructure and Programming Framework for Context-Aware Applications   [SpringerLink]
Jakob Bardram (University of Aarhus, Denmark)




Session 3: Posters, Demos and Videos Session

Session chairs: Alois Ferscha, Thomas Strang, Andreas Butz

1-Minute Madness (Overview presentation of posters and demos)

Viewing of the accepted research videos.


Session 3: Posters and Demos Reception

Posters and demos will be exhibited in the conference hotel.

Combining this with a reception we hope to provide an event where people can engage with late breaking research results and have in-depth discussions with researchers.

We will have 13 posters and 10 demos.

There will be food provided during the reception.


RUNES Industry Forum

In parallel to the Poster, Demo, and Video Session the RUNES Industry Forum will be taking place at the conference location. The purpose of the Industry Forum is to present the findings of the technology roadmapping activity conducted within the RUNES project.

17.30 Welcome and Overview
Andras Toth, (RUNES Project Manager) Ericsson AB.
17.35 Smart Buildings Roadmap
Dr Costis Koumpis, Sira Technology
18.15 Medical/Disaster Management Roadmap
Dr Lesley Hanna, Sira Technology Ltd.
18.45 Industrial Control and Monitoring Roadmap
Dr Costis Koumpis, Sira Technology Ltd.

There is a free registration form for the RUNES Industry Forum. If you are at the conference you can just go there.

Tuesday, May 10th 2005


Session 4: Location and Privacy

Session chair: Nigel Davies

[PDF] Place Lab: Device Positioning Using Radio Beacons in the Wild   [SpringerLink]
Anthony LaMarca, Yatin Chawathe, Sunny Consolvo, Jeffrey Hightower, Ian Smith, James Scott, Timothy Sohn, James Howard, Jeff Hughes, Fred Potter, Jason Tabert, Pauline Powledge, Gaetano Borriello and Bill Schilit (Intel Research Seattle, USA and Intel Research Cambridge, United Kingdom)

[PDF] Social Disclosure Of Place: From Location Technology to Communication Practice   [SpringerLink]
Ian Smith, Sunny Consolvo, Anthony LaMarca, Jeffrey Hightower, James Scott, Timothy Sohn, Jeff Hughes, Giovanni Iachello and Gregory D. Abowd (Intel Research Seattle & University of Washington & Georgia Institute of Technology, USA and Intel Research Cambridge, United Kingdom)

[PDF] A formal model of obfuscation and negotiation for location privacy   [SpringerLink]
Matt Duckham, Lars Kulik (University of Melbourne, Australia)




Session 5: Handheld Devices

Session chair: Chris Schmandt

[PDF] A Conceptual Framework for Camera Phone based Interaction Techniques   [SpringerLink]
Michael Rohs, Philipp Zweifel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

u-Photo: Interacting with Pervasive Services using Digital Still Images   [Google search, SpringerLink]
Genta Suzuki, Shun Aoki, Takeshi Iwamoto, Takuya Koda, Daisuke Maruyama, Naohiko Kohtake, Kazunori Takashio, Hideyuki Tokuda (Keio University, Japan)

[PDF] Towards Massively Multi-User Augmented Reality on Handheld Devices   [SpringerLink]
Daniel Wagner, Thomas Pintaric, Florian Ledermann, Dieter Schmalstieg (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)




Session 6: Sensor systems

Session chair: Bernt Schiele

Design Methodology for context-aware wearable sensor systems   [Google search, SpringerLink]
Urs Anliker, Holger Junker, Paul Lukowicz, Gerhard Tröster (Wearable Computing Lab ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

[PDF] Collaborative Sensing in a Retail Store Using Synchronous Distributed Jam Signalling   [SpringerLink]
Albert Krohn, Tobias Zimmer, Michael Beigl, Christian Decker (TecO, University of Karlsruhe, Germany)

[PDF] Parasitic Mobility for Pervasive Sensor Networks   [SpringerLink] (Best Paper Award)
Mathew Laibowitz, Joseph Paradiso (MIT Media Laboratory, USA)




Session 7: User Interfaces

Session chair: Gabriele Kotsis

[PDF] Decision-Theoretic Planning Meets User Requirements: Enhancements and Studies of an Intelligent Shopping Guide   [SpringerLink]
Thorsten Bohnenberger, Oliver Jacobs (Saarland University, Germany), Anthony Jameson (DFKI, Germany)

[PDF] Integrating Intra and Extra Gestures into a Mobile and Multimodal Shopping Assistant   [SpringerLink]
Rainer Wasinger (DFKI GmbH, Germany), Antonio Krüger (Saarland University, Germany)

AwareMirror: A Personalized Display using a Mirror   [Google search, SpringerLink]
Kaori Fujinami, Fahim Kawsar, Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University, Japan)

[PDF] Embedded Assessment: Overcoming barriers to Early Detection through Pervasive Computing   [SpringerLink]
Margaret Morris (Intel Corporation, USA), Stephen Intille, Jennifer Beaudin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)




Conference Dinner at Augustinerkeller

See the social events page for details.